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70. Jesus is alive!

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On that first Easter morning, Roman soldiers ⚔️ were standing guard at Jesus's tomb. 🪨 They were big, strong 💪 men with shields 🛡️ and armor, and they were watching the huge stone 🪨 that blocked the entrance to make sure no one could get in. 🙅‍♂️


Two women 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ named Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph came walking 🚶‍♀️ to the tomb just as the sun was starting to peek over the hills.  🌅 They were carrying sweet-smelling spices 🫙 to put on Jesus's body, and their hearts were very sad. 😔 

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Suddenly, the ground started to shake, 🫨 it was an earthquake! Then a bright, shining angel 😇 came down from heaven. The angel was so bright, he looked like lightning, ⚡️ and his clothes were whiter than the whitest snow. ❄️ 


The Roman soldiers ⚔️ were so scared 😱 that they began to shake 🫨 and then fell down like they were sleeping! 😴 But the angel 😇 didn't want the women to be afraid. 😳 


"Don't be scared," 😟 the angel 😇 said with a gentle voice. Then the angel rolled away the huge 🪨 stone! "I know you're looking for Jesus who was crucified. But guess what? He isn't here! He has risen from the dead, 💀 just like He said He would. Come, look inside the tomb – see? He's not there anymore.” 🕵️‍♀️

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The women peeked 🫣 inside the empty tomb. The special cloths that had wrapped Jesus's body were lying there, but Jesus was gone! 🤷🏼‍♀️ Their hearts 💕 started beating fast 💨 with excitement. 😊 


"Quick!" said the angel. "Go tell Jesus's disciples the wonderful news! 📰 Tell them Jesus is alive and that He will meet them in Galilee!" 🌊 


The women ran as fast as they could 🏃🏻‍♀️💨 to tell 🗣️ everyone. 👥Their feet 👣 were quick, and their hearts 💞 were even quicker with joy! 🥹 But wait – right there on the path, they met Jesus Himself!

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"Hello!" Jesus said to them. The women were so happy 😁 they fell to their knees and hugged 🤗 His feet. Jesus was really alive! They could see 👀 Him and touch 🥲Him!


"Don't be afraid," Jesus told them with a warm smile. 😀 “Go tell my disciples to meet me in Galilee." 


The women ran 🏃🏻‍♀️💨 to find the disciples and told them everything: about the earthquake, 🫨 the bright angel, 😇 the scared 😱 soldiers, the empty tomb, 🪨 and best of all – about seeing Jesus alive! ❤️ 

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