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74. the disciples heal and are persecuted

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One day, Peter and John were walking 🚶 to the temple ⛪️ to pray. 🙏 Outside the temple gate 🚪 they saw a man who had never been able to walk 🩼 since he was born. Every day, kind 😊 people carried him to this spot so he could ask for help from people going into the temple. ⛪️ 


When the man 👨🏻 saw Peter and John, he asked them for money. 💰 But Peter looked straight at him and said, "I don't have any money 🪙 or gold, but I'll give you something much better! In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk!" 🚶 


Peter took the man's right hand 🫱 and helped him up. Right away, something amazing happened! The man's feet 🦶 and ankles became strong 💪 for the first time ever! He jumped up 🦘 and started walking, 🚶 then leaping, and dancing 🕺 around the temple courts, ⛪️ praising God. 🙌 He was so happy 😀 he couldn't stop jumping! 🐸 Everyone was amazed because they had seen this same man sitting and begging at the temple gate for many years.

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The man 👨🏻 held onto Peter and John, and all the people ran to Solomon's Porch to see what had happened. Peter told everyone that it was Jesus's power 💪 that had made the man walk. He told them about how Jesus died ✝️ and rose again, and how much Jesus loves 💕 everyone.


Many people heard Peter's words and believed in Jesus - about 5,000 people. 🐜 🐜 🐜 But some of the temple leaders, especially the Pharisees, were very angry. 😡 They didn't like that Peter and John were teaching 👨🏼‍🏫 about Jesus rising from the dead. 💀 So they had guards arrest Peter and John and put them in jail overnight! ⚔️ 


The next day, the leaders, elders, and teachers 👨🏼‍🏫 of the law met together. They made Peter and John stand in front of them and demanded 😤 to know, "By what power did you heal this man?” 

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Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, was very brave. 💪 He told them, "We healed this man by the power of Jesus Christ!" 🙌 The leaders were surprised 😮 at how bold Peter and John were, especially since they were ordinary men who hadn't gone to special schools.


The leaders ordered Peter and John to stop 🛑 talking about Jesus, but Peter and John replied, "Should we obey you or should we obey God? 🤷🏼‍♂️ We can't stop telling people about the wonderful things we've seen Jesus do!" The leaders wanted to punish them 🪢 but couldn't because everyone was praising God for the miracle of the man who could now walk. 🚶 

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Later, all the disciples continued doing many amazing things to help people. ✨ They shared everything they had with anyone who was in need. They met together to pray 🙏 and tell others about Jesus. Sometimes the leaders would get angry 😤 and put them in jail, but an angel 😇 would open the prison doors 🚪 and tell them to go right back to the temple ⛪️ to teach about Jesus!


One time, the leaders had the disciples brought to them again, and they had them whipped. 🪢But the disciples were actually happy 😊 that they got to suffer a little bit for Jesus! They remembered Jesus's love ❤️ was more important than any trouble they faced.

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The disciples helped many sick 🤢 people. They were so filled with God's power that even Peter's shadow falling on sick 🤧 people would heal them! People brought the sick 🤒 from all the cities around Jerusalem, and they were all healed. ❤️‍🩹


Through all of this, the disciples remembered what Jesus taught them: to love God and love ❤️ others, no matter what happened. They knew that helping people and sharing God's love 💕 was more important than being afraid 😳 or staying comfortable. 🚀 

73. the first church / 74. the disciples heal and are persecuted / 75. stephen

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