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51. parable of the lost son

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Once there was a loving father 👨🏻 who lived on a beautiful farm 🚜 with his two sons. 👦 🧒 They had fields full of crops, 🌾 lots of animals, 🐄 and many servants who helped them. The father loved 🥰 both his sons very much and took wonderful care of them.


One day, the younger son 🧒 came to his father 👨🏻 with a surprising request. 😮 He said, "Father, I don't want to wait until you're old - I want my share of the family money 💰 now." This made the father very sad 😔 because he knew his son wanted to leave home. 🏡 But because he loved 🥰 his son, the father divided up his money 💵 and gave the younger son his share.

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The young son 🧒 packed his bags 💼 with his new clothes 👔 and money. 💴 He said goodbye and traveled 🧭 far, far away to a big city. 🌆 In the city, he thought he was having lots of fun. 🤩 He spent his money on fancy parties, 🎈 expensive clothes, and treats. 🍫 He made new friends who only liked him because he was sharing his money with them. 😈 


But soon, all his money was gone! 😩 His new friends didn't want to play with him anymore. Then something even worse happened - there wasn't enough food 🍴 in the city for everyone. The young son 🧒 became so hungry 🤤 that he had to get a job feeding pigs 🐖 on a dirty farm. He was so hungry that even the pigs' 🐷 food started to look tasty! 😋 

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One day, while sitting with the pigs, 🐖 he started thinking 🤔 about home. 🏡 He remembered how his father's servants always had plenty of delicious food 🥘 to eat. He thought about his warm bed, 🛌 his loving 🥰 father, and his older brother. He felt very sorry for how he had acted.


"I'll go back home," 🏡 he decided. "I'll tell my father 👨🏻 I'm really sorry. 😣 I'll say, 'Father, I was wrong to leave. I don't deserve to be your son anymore, but please let me work 🔨 as one of your servants.'"


So he began the long walk 🚶 home. His shoes 👞 were worn out, his clothes were ragged, and he was very dirty. But as he got close to his father's farm, 🚜 something amazing happened!

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His father, who had been watching the road every day hoping his son 🧒 would return, saw him coming from far away. With tears of joy 🥹 in his eyes, the father ran as fast as he could 🏃🏼‍♂️💨 to meet his son. He threw his arms around him and gave him the biggest hug 🤗 ever, not caring that his son was dirty and smelly. 👃


The son started to say how sorry 😞 he was, but his father was too excited 😊 to listen! He called to his servants, "Quick! Bring my son the best robe 👘 in the house! 🏡 Put a ring 💍 on his finger and new sandals 🩴 on his feet! 👣 Get ready for the biggest party 🎊 we've ever had! My son who was lost has come home!"

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The servants brought delicious food 🍱 - including a specially prepared calf 🐮 for the feast. There was music 🎶 and dancing, 🕺 💃 and everyone celebrated. The father was so happy 😀 that his lost son had returned home safe and sound.

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