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read the [BIV] bible

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old testament bible stories 


1. Creation

2. Adam & Eve

3. Noah

4. Tower of Babel


father abraham

5. Abram's Call

6. Abraham, Sarah & Isaac

7. Isaac & Rebekah

8. Jacob & Esau

9. Joseph


the exodus

10. Baby Moses

11. Burning Bush 

12. Plagues

13. Passover

14. The Exodus


in the desert

15. Desert

16. The Ten Commandments

17. The Golden Calf

18. Tabernacle & Ark


the promised land

19. The Twelve Spies

20. Rahab

21. Crossing the Jordan

22. Jericho



23. Gideon

24. Samson

25. Ruth

26. Samuel



27. Saul

28. David & Goliath

29. King David

30. King Solomon



31. Elijah

32. Burning Altar

33. Elisha

34. Jonah



35. Split Kingdom

36. Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego 

37. Daniel

38. Esther

39. Rebuilding Jerusalem



new testament bible stories 


Jesus is born

40. Foretelling the Birth of Jesus

41. Jesus Christ is Born

42. The Wise Men


Jesus begins His ministry

43. Jesus in the Temple as a Boy

44. John Baptizing

45. Jesus Tempted in the Desert

46. Jesus Turns Water into Wine

47. Jesus Calls His Disciples



48. Parable of the Sower

49. Parable of the Good Samaritan

50. Parable of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin

51. Parable of the Lost Son



52. A Paralyzed Man is Healed

53. Jesus Calms the Storm

54. Jesus Feeds the 5000

55. Jesus Walks on Water

56. A Blind Man Sees

57. Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers

58. The Transfiguration

59. Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead


Jesus ministers

60. Nicodemus

61. Sermon on the Mount

62. Mary & Martha

63. Zacchaeus


preparing for the crucifixion

64. Mary Anoints Jesus with Perfume

65. Palm Sunday

66. Jesus Clears the Temple


crucifixion and resurrection

67. The Last Supper

68. The Garden of Gethsemane

69. Crucifixion

70. Jesus is Alive!

71. Jesus Appears to His Disciples

72. The Great Commission


the early church

73. The First Church

74. The Disciples Heal & are Persecuted

75. Stephen


the church grows

76. Saul's Conversion

77. Paul's First Mission

78. Paul & Silas in Prison

79. Paul Writes Letters to Churches

80. John's Vision of the End Times




A Special Thanks


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