read the [BIV] bible
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/ geared to Christian kids who like legos, minecraft, and roblox. /
old testament bible stories
father abraham
the exodus
in the desert
the promised land
36. Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego
new testament bible stories
Jesus is born
40. Foretelling the Birth of Jesus
Jesus begins His ministry
43. Jesus in the Temple as a Boy
45. Jesus Tempted in the Desert
46. Jesus Turns Water into Wine
49. Parable of the Good Samaritan
50. Parable of the Lost Sheep and Lost Coin
57. Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers
59. Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead
Jesus ministers
preparing for the crucifixion
64. Mary Anoints Jesus with Perfume
crucifixion and resurrection
71. Jesus Appears to His Disciples
the early church
74. The Disciples Heal & are Persecuted
the church grows
79. Paul Writes Letters to Churches
80. John's Vision of the End Times